My Outreach activities

International Cosmic Day (ICD)

ICD poster

Every year in November at the ICD, high-school classes conduct a variety of experiments on cosmic rays! In order to introduce the students to the academic work-style, DESY organizes a video conference, where they can present their results. Since 2021 I have been joining the Gymnasium Villa Elisabeth in Wildau, close to DESY Zeuthen, during that day. I supported the students with the experiments, the data analysis, the presentation and gave an outreach talk. See below the slides (in German):

AIS³ – Astroparticle Immersive Synthesizer³

AIS³ in Berlin

Experiencing particle showers induced by astrophysical neutrinos audio-visually and in 3D - that is one of the features of AIS³. Under the lead of Tim Otto Roth we developed in this project a model of the IceCube detector, consisting of 444 loudspeakers and light emitters on 37 strings similar to the original detector. It’s size of multiple meters in height and diameter allows you to walk through and lay in the detector - a fantastic experience! I was involved in the actual construction and debugging of the hardware, and then also the exhibitions in Berlin, Munich and Aachen, where I gave guided tours to visitors and high-school classes. Besides the scientific visualization AIS³ is also a giant instrument allowing for an entirely new sound experience. This brush with art was a very refreshing experience for me!