PDF with short CV


From 01/2020: PhD in Theoretical Astroparticle Physics

DESY Zeuthen within Helmholtz Weizmann Research School on Multimessenger Astronomy
Focus: Time-Dependent Radiation Modeling of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows
Supervisors: Walter Winter, Andrew Taylor, Eli Waxman

2017-2019: M.Sc. in Physics with focus: Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology

RWTH Aachen University
Focus: Time-Dependent Radiation Modeling of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows
Thesis: Developing a Magnetic Reconnection Model to Interpret Blazar Variability as Measured with the FACT Telescope
Supervisors: Philipp Mertsch, Thomas Bretz

2013-2016: B.Sc. in Physics

RWTH Aachen University
Thesis: Development of a measurement setup to compare acoustic emitters for the EnEx-RANGE project (in German)
Supervisor: Christopher Wiebusch

Work experience

05/2017-02/2019: Assistant Scientist at EnEx RANGE Project at RWTH Aachen

Focus: Experimental lab work and data analysis including Glacier expedition for project validation (08/2017)

02/2017-03/2017: Site visit of Pierre-Auger-Observatory, Argentina

Participation in maintenance, shifts, collaboration meeting and public outreach work at the local visitor’s facility

09/2016–12/2016: Scientific stay at the HAWC Observatory, Mexico

Studies on Radio Galaxies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Participation in the HAWC Collaboration Meeting and the Workshop on a wide field-of-view Southern Hemisphere TeV gamma ray observatory

Teaching experience
